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my ethical principles

  • I meet the highest standards of honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, impeccable behavior and ethical behavior in public, towards my customers and other partners.
  • I present informations objectively, based on facts, not intentionally misleading and in good taste.
  • I consider integrity, honesty and confidentiality to be my principles.
  • I treat others the way I would like to be treated myself.
  • I behave fairly and treat all people equally, regardless of their race, skin color, religion, gender, sexuality, mental or physical condition, nationality or descent.
  • I do not commit any unlawful acts โ€“ no amount is large enough to justify breaking the law.
  • I carry out my tasks professionally and service-oriented. I limit the execution of business processes to the scope of my professional competencies.
  • I support teamwork, behave loyally, promote polyvalence and use possible synergies.
  • I am open-minded, willing to learn and strive to improve my actions daily.

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