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Home ยป part of step 2 – capturing your irregular expenses

part of step 2 – capturing your irregular expenses

Hey there! Now let’s dive into the nitty-gritty โ€“ tracking your financial status. The last and maybe the most challenging but significant part: irregular expenses. This is where money often bids farewell unnoticed, more than you might think. But no worries, this is also where the biggest savings potential lies once you have the full overview of your income and expenses.

To tackle irregular expenses, pick a system right from the start that you can stick with in the future. A budgeting app or a simple list on your smartphone work great. Apps are available for free or at a low cost, and a note-taking app is usually already on your smartphone. Since you always have your phone with you, you can log irregular expenses promptly. If you prefer analog, keep a few notes or a small notebook in a place you frequently pass by โ€“ like the bathroom or the kitchen. The analog method is not as organized, and the later transfer (see Chapter 3) is a bit more cumbersome.

In your chosen system, jot down all irregular expenses one after another. It’s best to do this daily; otherwise, you might forget small expenses like that “coffee in between.” Keep it up!

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