To begin, jot down on the first sheet all the regular incomes of individuals contributing to your household finances. Since these typically occur in a cashless manner, take an initial look at your bank statements. Keep these statements within reach – you’ll need them in the upcoming steps.
To ensure you don’t overlook any income, the following exemplary list of potential earnings can guide you:
- Earned Income
- Net salary/wages
- Fixed holiday/Christmas bonuses
- Government Payments
- Child benefits
- Housing allowance
- Parental allowance, childcare allowance, caregiver allowance
- Retirement pensions
- Unemployment benefits
- Private Payments
- Alimony
- Regular repayments of private loans
- Regular contributions (e.g., assistance from parents, money from grandma)
- Income from Assets
- Paid-out savings contributions
- Rental income
- Dividends
- Royalties
Examine each point to determine its relevance to you and note it down with the corresponding amount. Not everything applies to everyone. The above list serves as a suggestion without claiming to be exhaustive. Additionally, you may have your own incomes that need to be recorded.
If you experience minor fluctuations (e.g., in your salary) for individual items, it makes sense to calculate the average from the last 3 to 6 payments and note this down as a regular income.